Discover Your Soul Purpose: 7 Ways to Manifest the Life You Desire

Cassendra Shuck
5 min readOct 21, 2021
Soul Purpose

We all have hopes and dreams. We all have different desires and a soul purpose in life. But do we all know how to get there?

You should do some things in your life if you want to know how to uncover your true soul purpose and achieve your goals. So let’s start learning them today.

The Law of Attraction is concerned with manifesting one’s soul purpose in life. It empowers us to choose what we want and then make it a reality in our lives. The power is in the mind. We get what we believe.

How to Discover Your Soul Purpose Through Manifestation?

In a nutshell, manifestation is the process of making your desires a reality through belief, understanding, attraction, and efforts. I put ‘efforts’ at the end not because it isn’t vital, but because it gives significant power from just how you think, how clear you are, and how much energy you send to the Universe.

Thought leaders such as Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle, and Deepak Chopra advocate the process of understanding soul purpose and have used it to attain their goals (aided by making efforts).

Manifestation simply means bringing about and experiencing what you desire in your life, and it works. Discover the seven ways below.

7 Ways to Manifest the Life You Desire

1. Recognize Yourself

Before you can make goals, you must first understand yourself. You could make a list and start working towards something, but if it’s something you didn’t want in the first place, it’s not a success. Instead, you may end up attaining it yet feeling unsatisfied.

Remember, it has to be your objective. So to figure out what your soul purpose is, you must first figure out who you are.

Spend time self-reflecting, asking thoughtful questions, recalling dreams you had before being influenced or conditioned by other minds, rejecting societal expectations, and getting to know yourself completely. This is fundamental to live the life you want.

2. Remove Any Restricting Beliefs

“I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.”

“It’s too late now.”

“I’ll never be successful,”

“I’m not deserving.”

Thoughts like this just limit your potential. Self-doubt, overthinking, and concern are all hurdles that must be overcome to uncover your soul’s purpose in life successfully.

What exactly are these thoughts? What is the point of taking them seriously?

We create these walls in our brains and accept them as truth. However, there are some real-world impediments, such as financial obligations, that influence our decisions.

However, many boundaries exist simply in one’s head, such as allowing yourself to make uncomfortable choices to let your inner wilderness come out. Hence, you shouldn’t allow society, culture, people, or failure to prevent you from pursuing your deepest desires.

3. Consistently Strive

There is no quick fix for success. Manifestation is a tool to help you along the path of how to find your soul purpose in life, but it can’t be the primary motivator. Instead, make a plan to reach your goals after you have them laid out in front of you.

If you have a primary, long-term goal, break it down into tiny steps and work on them daily. Then, consider how strong your efforts would be if they were backed up by manifestation to seek your soul purpose.

4. Have Faith in Yourself

Another crucial step in manifesting your soul purpose is to have faith in yourself. You may feel highly inspired when you plan your goals and begin working towards them, and you may have swiped away the negative, restricting thoughts, but those thoughts may resurface at times.

You may begin to doubt yourself again and wonder if you will ever reach your goals. When your conditioned mind throws roadblocks in your path, remember why you started. Keep in mind why this is essential to you. Manifestation will not work if you don’t believe in yourself.

You must be your most ardent supporter. You must continue to devote time to spending outside your conventional life and believe in your ability to succeed.

5. Practice Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations, like vision boards, are a powerful manifestation tool for discovering your soul purpose. Affirmations are what you say to yourself and significantly impact your soul, confidence, life choices, and behavior.

Make affirmations a part of your daily routine if you want to manifest successfully.

Examples are:

“I am worthy just as I am.”

“In my life, I am attracting what I desire.”

“I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.”

Saying these affirmations to yourself regularly will help mold your thinking to be more open and empowering, manifesting your soul purpose.

6. Acknowledge and Appreciate Small Wins

It’s essential to be grateful for what you have as you work for your goals. So many things are still to come, but there are many things that you already have.

Wanting more isn’t the issue; taking the present for granted is. Nevertheless, there will be numerous small victories along the way as you work towards living an authentically purpose-driven life… Express your heartfelt gratitude to them.

Getting fixated on that big goal while ignoring the small victories that get you there saps the energy of manifestation. So instead, celebrate your life and all that it has to offer right now.

All of the small victories are equally as important as the big ones. After all, life is made up of the small things that happen every day. So keep a gratitude journal to write about them and save them.

7. Remain Patience

Something great will not come quickly. Your commitment may be put to the test. There may be hitches. And getting where you want to go can take some time. But, patience and tenacity will get you through the process of identifying your soul purpose in life.

Some tough days don’t imply that everything will fall apart. You must continue even when it appears that progress has stalled. If you have decided for your life, you must demonstrate that you truly desire it.

Hardships don’t have to happen, but if they do, stand firm. Your faith will carry you through the difficulties, and you will eventually live a happier and more peaceful life.

That’s it! These are the seven ways to discover your soul purpose and manifest the life you want. I wish you the best of luck. I know you can do it, and I want you to believe it as well. Have a fantastic day!


The length of time it takes to uncover your soul purpose is heavily dependent on your deep understanding and the nature of your goals.

Following the seven ways above can shorten the time to discover your soul purpose in life and create exactly what you want. Remember, the more specific you are about what you want and the road you will follow to get there, the more likely you will discover your soul purpose and see your goals come true.

Recognizing signs is a part of manifestation, and perhaps this post was shown to you at just the right time!



Cassendra Shuck

I’m a wife, mama, serial entrepreneur, life and business ascension coach. Your spiritual coach,healer & teacher.